DNS filtering provides network configuration controls for parental controls or online safety to protect against phishing attacks, malware, ransomware, botnets, etc.

Secret To the Market's Most Accurate and Comprehensive Web Categorization Service

Secret to the Market’s Most Accurate and Comprehensive Web Categorization Service

Over many years or testing, trial and error, zvelo ultimately determined that a human-machine “hybrid” approach to classification produced the best outcomes. The Human element provided the verifications necessary for the highest levels of accuracy, while machines (ie. AI/ML models and calculations) provided the scaling necessary to deal with the incredible volumes of new URLs and content being published at an increasing rate.

Advantages of DNS RPZ | How It Works

Advantages of RPZ: Basics & Common Configurations

Since the release of BIND 9 in 2010, RPZ has proven a powerful technology for security and network management—allowing organizations to implement an additional DNS configuration layer. In fact, BIND is the most widely used Domain Name System software on the internet—making RPZ configuration options like integrating commercial feeds, blocklists, and URL databases like zveloDB™ all the more attractive. So let’s take a moment to revisit the advantages of RPZ.