Protect Your Corporate Identity & Brand Image

Ensure Brand Safety that Aligns the Placement of Your Brand’s Ads with Appropriate Content

Brand reputation takes time to build. That hard-earned reputation is compromised when a brand’s ad runs next to content inconsistent with the brand’s image or mission. Brand protection reduces the risk of a tarnished reputation by stopping ad placement next to content that doesn’t align with the brand.

As the number of signals available on each ad increase, filtering noise becomes more complex. However an accurate, flexible, and comprehensive brand safety solution identifies sites appropriate for a brand’s image and preserves reputation.

Brand-Safe Advertising with Topic-Based and Objectionable Datasets

Programmatic ad buying and selling platforms enable tens, if not hundreds of millions of digital advertisements to display on computers, tablets, and cell phones around the world—every day. By identifying objectionable and malicious content, IPs, and source traffic—zvelo is able to provide peace of mind and ensure premium advertising real-estate that protects brands and consumers.


How It Works:

zvelo Brand Safety Approach

The zvelo Brand Safety Solution

zvelo’s granular taxonomy supports nearly 500 topic-based, malicious, phishing, objectionable and sensitive categories for brand safety and contextual targeting applications. zvelo’s data is unmatched in quality and veracity to ensure a brand’s ads can safely be placed on pages with content aligned to the brand’s image, mission, and target audience.

99%+ Accuracy

99%+ Accuracy

Using a combination of AI/machine learning and human quality assurance to maintain over 99% accuracy for categorizing web content into topic-based and objectionable categories.

99%+ Coverage of the ActiveWeb

99.9%+ Coverage

More than 99.9% coverage of the ActiveWeb traffic, incorporating URLs that have been visited by our global network of 1 billion users and endpoints for comprehensive visibility into the global clickstream traffic.

Support for 200+ Languages

200 Languages Support

The market’s best language support by country, covering over 200 languages, using human-supervised machine learning systems. See zvelo’s Language Support Map.

Fast Performance

Fast Performance

Local lookups in 5 microseconds or 300,000 queries per second per instance using the zveloDB SDK, supplemented by cloud updates for uncategorized URLs. Alternatively, take complete control by directly ingesting all categorized URLs into your systems with a raw data stream

PhishScan real-time phishing threat verification for browser security

Brand Safety With Content

A versatile set of categories that can be used in wide variety of cultural settings. Identify non-brand safe URLs that are inappropriate or objectionable including porn, hate speech, violence, etc.

Granular Taxonomy

Granular Taxonomy

Nearly 500 different categories, with exclusive category mapping which provides seamless and transparent integration with your required taxonomies, such as IAB or your own proprietary taxonomy.

Flexible Pricing

CPM-Based Pricing

Flexible pricing options that align with your business model. CPM-based pricing ensures that you pay only for the impressions you get. Because efficiency matters.

zveloDB Identifies & Protects Against Pornography, Adult Material, & Other Objectionable and Sensitive Content

Keep your customers and advertisements from appearing next to potentially harmful content with zvelo’s objectionable dataset and solutions! Block your advertisements and brand announcements from objectionable and malicious websites and pages!

Have Questions? Ready to Start an Evaluation? 
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