Market-Leading Cyber Threat Intelligence & URL Classification Data Services
The Secret Behind the Market’s Leading Web Filtering, Cybersecurity, Threat Detection, and Anti-Virus Solutions
When your customers demand security, accuracy, language support, malicious website detection, and fast browsing—the URL categorization database of choice is provided by zvelo. Build a product strategy focused on profitable growth that requires differentiating your solutions from competitors so your sales channel isn’t trapped into a price race to the bottom. Absolve your highly-regarded business of the commodity mindset that forever necessitates the lowering your prices – and margins – and seek a partner that shares your commitment to quality, customer service, and performance. zveloDB offers most accurate URL categorization database available on the market today. You will experience the broadest coverage of the ActiveWeb, strongest language support, and fastest lookup times, combined with unparallelled responsiveness. It’s no wonder why our partners keep zvelo a secret.
A Premium URL Categorization Database for Information Security
A premium Web Filtering offering requires a URL classification database that is highly accurate, provides comprehensive coverage of the active web, supports malicious website detection, and zero-hour protection and updates. Another advantage of a high quality Web Filtering solution includes flexible deployment options that allow integration in a data center, an enterprise, SMB, on appliance, on device or hosted in the cloud. Another choice feature is that the content URL database must support highly granular and flexible category taxonomies that align with the policy management GUI of the web filtering or parental control offering whether the requirement is only a handful of categories or hundreds of categories. Finally, the URL database must be highly scalable, supporting small, single-user deployments through ISPs and deployments with millions of users, with exceptional URL query performance.