2021 Malicious Trends Report from zveloCTI

~68% of malicious and ~62% of phishing threats were detected in full-path URLs vs base domain, subdomain, and IP — highlighting the critical need for organizations to develop the capability for full-path URL threat protection.

This year’s report examines the malicious and phishing URL data sets separately for better insights relative to each.  In addition to the analyses of the individual data sets, it also includes key commonalities and key differentiators between both malicious and phishing threats, as well as ‘In the Wild’ special editorial content from zvelo’s threat researchers.

Some of the highlights included in this year’s Malicious Trends Report are:

  • Top 15 Common Malicious Files and/or Extensions
  • Top 15 Common Words Observed in Phishing URLs
  • Key Commonalities and Distinctions Between Malicious and Phishing Trends
  • Trends by TLD, HTTP vs HTTPS, IP Address URL vs Text URLs, and Many Other Cyber Threat Observations

zveloCTI’s Malicious Trends Report offers insights into Malicious Cyber Actor (MCA) activities around malicious and phishing threats by utilizing a select dataset from our content categorization URL database. The goal of this report is to shed light on current trends and inform defenders about potential threats they may face.

Upcoming Webinar Presentation | November 3, 2021 at 12:00 pm MDT

As a follow up to the report release, zvelo is also offering a webinar presentation based on the report data called, “2021 Malicious Trends:  Understanding the Impact and Implications.” The webinar will be held live at 12:00 pm MDT on November 3, 2021.  To learn more about the webinar, or to register, please visit https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6055345204202341643.

Download the Report
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