Protect Against Data Leakage and Exfiltration across SaaS Apps & Web Service Channels

zvelo Web Services Intelligence is designed to safeguard your organization from data leakage and exfiltration risks across SaaS Apps and Web Service Channels. With unparalleled intelligence and precise categorization, this solution provides the critical data needed to maintain full control over your SaaS Apps and Web Services, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access.

zvelo Web Services Intelligence (WSI)

Key Features Include:

  • SaaS App/Web Service Name and Type: Bundle Ids, App Ids, Short Names
  • Categorization: 80+ Categories Spanning Google Play, Apple, Streaming and More
  • Functions: 40+ Functions — Upload, Download, Transcription and More
  • Risk: Data Leakage/Loss Risk — Low, Medium, High
  • Hosts and IPs: Where SaaS App/Web Services are Hosted

Secure Your Data Against Leakage and Exfiltration

Fortify Your Defenses and Prevent Data Breaches Across All Channels

zvelo Web Services Intelligence empowers you to block unauthorized SaaS Apps and Web Service Channels, providing precision control over your environment to safeguard your most sensitive data.

Prevent Data Leakage and Loss

Prevent Data Leakage & Loss

Proactively block access to unauthorized SaaS Apps and Web Service Channels, reducing the risk of data breaches and ensuring sensitive information stays secure.

Multi-Level Protection

Extend Multi-Level Protection

Guard against threats at multiple levels, including base domains, sub-domains, full-path URLs, and App/Web Service Channels.

Precision Control

Exercise Precision Control

Block specific functions or categories within Apps and/or Web Services, offering more targeted and effective threat prevention.

Layered Defense

Enhance Defense Strategies

Complement zveloDB, Phishing, and Threat Intelligence for a comprehensive, multi-layered security approach.

Rich Metadata Attributes

Streamline Deployment & Integration

Simplify deployment with data feeds that integrate effortlessly into your existing security infrastructure, enabling swift adoption without disruption.

Ensure Continuous Protection

Ensure Continuous Protection

Maintain top-tier protection with regular updates to add new SaaS apps, web channels, domains, and IPs, ensuring your defenses remain effective against emerging threats.

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