Real-Time Malware, Miscategorization, Terrorism, & Porn Protection Extended to zveloDB

An Overview of zveloDB Instant Protection (zIP)

zvelo Instant Protection (zIP) is a feature designed to provide fast, up-to-the-minute updates on important category changes and real-time protection from newly identified blockable/objectionable (adult, porn, hate, criminal, etc.) and malicious (malware, spyware, phishing, compromised, etc.) URLs. While SDK integrators of the zveloDB™ URL Categorization Database have always been protected from these URLs, local SDK database updates were not immediate, and were delivered once daily from the zveloNET cloud. zIP eliminates this delay so that all local SDK URL databases receive important URL category changes from the zveloNET cloud in a matter of seconds versus waiting for the next database build.

These important category changes were prioritized into four priority bands within the zveloDB – URL Database, which include:

  1. New Malicious Detection: A URL category change because of a malicious detection
  2. Safety Update: A URL category change from malicious to a “safe” security reputation
  3. Miscategorization Update: A URL category change due to a reported miscategorization
  4. Objectionable Update: A URL category change to an objectionable or highly blocked category
How Does it Work?

The Industry’s Best Content Categorization & DNS Filtering Database

zvelo is the leading provider of URL and IP categorization, with nearly 500 categories in over 200 languages, including topic-based, objectionable and malicious, making it ideal for integration with web filtering, brand safety, subscriber analytics, and other use cases.

How zvelo Instant Protection Works

At any given time—whenever a new Priority 1 URL is detected—it is immediately inserted into the master URL database of the zveloNET cloud. It is then instantly delivered to all local SDK URL databases. This occurs in real-time (within seconds). Priority 1 URLs are always processed ahead of any pending Priority 2, 3, or 4 URLs.

zveloDB Deployment with a Data Center

The end result is a breakthrough system that provides real-time, continuous updates on important URL category changes. This leverages the massive computing power of the zveloNET cloud with the speed and performance of a local SDK engine. The rapid response time proves most effective in combatting malicious websites.

The specific categories in the zvelo Instant Protection feature include:

Malware Categories

  • Compromised & Links to Malware
  • Phishing & Fraud
  • Botnet
  • Command and Control Centers
  • Malware Call Home
  • Malware Distribution Point
  • Spyware and Questionable Software
  • Cryptocurrency Mining
  • Ad Fraud
  • Spam URLs

Objectionable & Highly Blocked

  • Criminal Skills/Hacking
  • Terrorism
  • Hate Speech
  • Illegal Drugs
  • Phishing & Fraud
  • Spyware and Malicious Sites
  • Nudity
  • Mature
  • Pornography/Sex
  • Violence
  • Anonymizer
  • Abortion
  • Abortion – Pro Choice
  • Abortion – Pro Life
  • Child Abuse Images

Objectionable (Continued…)

  • Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual
  • Hacking
  • Lingerie, Suggestive & Pinup
  • Marijuana
  • Piracy & Copyright Theft
  • Pornography
  • Profanity
  • R-Rated
  • School Cheating
  • Sex & Erotic
  • Sex Education & Pregnancy
  • Swimsuits
  • Child Inappropriate
  • Sport Fighting

Flexible Deployment Options For Data Centers or CPE Devices

zveloDB is the leading web filtering database designed for data centers or deployed devices such as routers, gateways, and other UTM devices.

Have Questions? Ready To Start An Evaluation?
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