Domain Intelligence & Web Classification
Optimize your solutions with the industry’s most accurate and comprehensive URL classification database, delivering precise, real-time categorizations to protect users and enhance digital experiences. Achieve unmatched performance for web filtering, parental controls, brand safety, contextual targeting, and more.

SaaS App Intelligence
Transform your approach to data security with advanced intelligence on SaaS Applications and Web Service Channels. Gain crucial insights, data sensitivity risk, and categorizations to empower your customers to prevent data leakage and exfiltration and fully control access to SaaS Applications and Web Service Channels.

Phishing Intelligence
Strengthen your defenses with PhishBlocklist to protect against active and emerging phishing threats. PhishBlocklist is enriched with additional metadata attributes like date detected, targeted brand, and other crucial data points to maximize your protection while virtually eliminating false positives.

Malicious Threat Intelligence
Unlock actionable threat intelligence with zvelo’s Malicious Detailed Detection Feed. Critical metadata like detection dates, malware families, and Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) can enhance your threat detection capabilities driving faster, more effective analysis and response.