The threat landscape continues to evolve—individual and state-backed hackers and agencies become increasingly emboldened to compromise websites and servers, steal CPU cycles for cryptocurrency mining, embark on social engineering efforts to find backdoors, and sway public opinion through fake news and other measures. zvelo provides the most advanced URL/IP categorization database for web filtering, whitelists and blacklists, and residential and business protections against bad actors and malicious online behavior. Explore zvelo’s Cybersecurity and threat intelligence data feeds for industry leading malicious and phishing exploit detection and the most advanced cyber threat intelligence available to OEMs and device manufacturers.
”Drive by” spam attacks are a growing business network security risk, affecting those who open emails containing a malicious script that downloads malware to the user’s PC that ultimately infects the company’s network. These emails don’t always include an attachment. Some HTML-based varieties are reported to be activated with the mere opening of an email and nothing more.
zveloLABS™ reported live from the 2011 Hack in the Box Security Conference (HITBSecConf) in Malaysia. Following are additional reflections about the conference and other highlights worth mentioning.
In mid-September of 2011, I had the privilege of attending a SOPHOS seminar titled, “Anatomy of an Attack – How Hackers Threaten your Security,” hosted by Chester Wisniewski, a highly regarded Senior Security Advisor and frequent contributor to the award-winning Naked Security blog.
Day two of the 2011 Hack in the Box Security Conference closed as quickly as it started. zveloLABS™ has absorbed invaluable information about web threats that parallel the ongoing innovations of today’s Internet. The previous day’s discussions into traditional attacks against Web 1.0 applications have provided a foundation for today’s discussions on the gravity and severity of similar threats executed in the context of the Web 2.0 paradigm.
zveloLABS™ is reporting live from the 2011 Hack in the Box Security Conference, now in its 9th year and arguably Asia’s largest and most popular network security conference, and here is our day one report. HITBSecConf has managed to attract a wide range of participants from many IT industry sectors, including a healthy share of government representatives, hailing from the Asia-Pacific region.
On September 17th of 2011, boxing fans worldwide tuned into what was expected to be one of the more exciting matches of the year. The highly revered and undefeated Floyd Mayweather, Jr. returned to the ring after a 16-month break to face Victor Ortiz, who entered the MGM Grand in Las Vegas as the World Boxing Council welterweight champion.
My first year at the world’s largest hacker convention, DEF CON, resulted in mixed first impressions. I was amazed and overwhelmed with how large the crowds were. This event seemingly grows in popularity each year and the overly-stuffed conference rooms were proof. With that single point aside, I was able to sit-through some valuable lectures across a wide range of security topics.
After Cofer’s talk, I settled into the “Next-Gen Web” track, which was smaller than the “threat intel” and “bit flow” tracks that drew big crowds. The first topic was on a new web protocol being developed by Google called SPDY (pronounced “speedy”). While interesting, the talk had little to do with security. The speaker was a young German who is heavily involved in the security sector, but his talk simply explained the protocol. I honestly could have gathered most of what he spoke about by reading the documentation and playing with some examples. I was not terribly impressed.
It’s hard to imagine unsolicited spam getting any more annoying. One way would be to receive it from three different sources and at the same time, which is precisely the type of hybrid spam campaign zveloLABS™ recently unearthed.
Identify and implement a solution that would provide safe Web Browsing protection from malicious and compromised websites for users of the Company’s flagship Mobile Security security offering. Additionally, provide parental…