Why Curated Threat Data is Critical to Effective Threat Protection
Curated threat data delivers the true value of threat intelligence by offering the right data, accurately interpreted, and actionably presented.
The threat landscape continues to evolve—individual and state-backed hackers and agencies become increasingly emboldened to compromise websites and servers, steal CPU cycles for cryptocurrency mining, embark on social engineering efforts to find backdoors, and sway public opinion through fake news and other measures. zvelo provides the most advanced URL/IP categorization database for web filtering, whitelists and blacklists, and residential and business protections against bad actors and malicious online behavior. Explore zvelo’s Cybersecurity and threat intelligence data feeds for industry leading malicious and phishing exploit detection and the most advanced cyber threat intelligence available to OEMs and device manufacturers.
Curated threat data delivers the true value of threat intelligence by offering the right data, accurately interpreted, and actionably presented.
Explore the top 5 reasons why high-quality, curated threat intelligence data is superior to raw threat data for adequate threat protection.
This post explores AI and Machine Learning for cybersecurity, including the various types, applications, challenges, and future potential.
AI has undoubtedly benefited threat actors, but how close are we to a world where AI-powered malware can autonomously invade a network?
Discover the anatomy of phishing attacks, from social engineering to BEC, and learn how to defend your organization with the most effective phishing detection tools.
Today’s threat actors are masters of evasion, constantly developing new versions of malware to outmaneuver cyber defenders and forging new paths to expand the threat landscape. As global cybercrime continues to escalate and plague both organizations and individuals, becoming the target of a cyber attack at one point or another is no longer a question…
A comprehensive overview of cyber threat intelligence: What it is, how it’s used, the process lifecycle, use cases, and evaluation guidelines.
This last post in our social engineering prevention series provides guidance on what to do if you fall victim to a social engineering attack.
This broad overview of cybercrime includes the main types of cybercrime, underlying motivations, societal impact, and tactics for prevention.
Amid Cyren’s liquidation announcement, zvelo stands ready to provide a superior solution with minimal disruption to vendors and their users.