OSINT vs Commercial Threat Intelligence
OSINT vs Commercial Threat Intelligence – A high level overview weighing the pros and cons for each type of threat feed.
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is actionable Threat Intelligence intended for Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence teams to use for enrichment and analytics.
zveloCTI supplies meticulously curated datasets for advanced Threat Intelligence which requires more visibility than identifying a URL as suspicious or bad. zveloCTI datasets deliver high veracity and accuracy while maintaining low false positive (FP) rates. Datasets include:
OSINT vs Commercial Threat Intelligence – A high level overview weighing the pros and cons for each type of threat feed.
Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) is the piece of the SASE framework that is focused on securing the end user’s web browsing experience.
As we explore the critical role of data in powering the SASE solutions suite, this post focuses on the Firewall-as-a-Service for Next-Gen Firewall functionality in the cloud.
DNS Filtering and SWGs can offer core security functionality but the SASE framework requires CASBs to extend threat protection to cloud apps.
Secure Web Gateways complement DNS Filtering to deliver the minimum level of threat protection capabilities required in a SASE framework.
Active Threat Alert: Protect against active phishing campaigns serving up personalized and uniquely randomized URL paths or subdomains.
This post illustrates how you can leverage the threat intel from honeypots to identify malicious payloads like CoinMiners to block cryptojacking attempts.
Threat Alert: zvelo’s PhishBlocklist identifies a very active USPS phishing attack using personalized URLs that target USPS customers.
Ingesting threat feeds to build in-house cyber threat intel solutions will prove to be a costly mistake for most. Do you have what it takes?
zvelo announced predictive phishing detection enhancements that will help cyber defenders to predict and block phishing campaigns.