zvelo uses a proprietary website classification system to categorize web content as topic-based, objectionable, sensitive, or malicious & phishing threats.
zvelo collects, processes, and analyzes a continuous stream of URLs, representing the ActiveWeb traffic generated by its partner networks which service more than 600+ million end users globally. zvelo’s a proprietary AI-based URL classification engine delivers industry-leading accuracy and coverage in web content classification, as well as premium detections for objectionable, sensitive, malicious and phishing threats.
The URL checker found on the zvelo.com homepage, previously known as the “Test-a-site” tool, serves to demo various contextual categorizations about URLs that can be derived by licensing zvelo contextual categorization and malicious website detection services. When queried, the URL checker yields a sample of data sets stored within the zvelo URL database, via…
Manually classifying the content on a single web page takes but a few seconds to accomplish. Analyzing the keywords – words or phrases – used and the number of instances of each – keyword density – is one way to go about it. When needing to classify the content on billions of web pages at a time, however, the task becomes overwhelmingly daunting for any human eye to handle. In this scenario, only an automated content classification engine can succeed.
Anatomy of a Dynamic Website Of the hundreds of billions of URL queries zvelo has received for website categorization in 2013, an estimated 27% have been classified as being dynamic (see image 1). Dynamic categories in this data sample included Social Networking, News, Search Engines, Personal Pages & Blogs, Community Forums, Technology (General), and Chat.…