ISPs, Telcos, device manufacturers, and security vendors go to great lengths to provide their customers’ with online security from malicious and objectionable content (adult, pornography, hate speech, terrorism, cryptocurrency mining, etc.). The industry’s best web filtering (and DNS filtering) and parental controls are powered by a global network of more than 1 billion end users providing unmatched coverage and accuracy of active web traffic and websites. zvelo provides 99.9% coverage and over 99% accuracy for the ActiveWeb. That’s best-in-class URL classification database for OEMs and device manufacturers.

Base Domain URL vs. Full Path URL. What's the Difference?

Base Domain URL vs Full Path URL. What’s the Difference?

For the average web surfer, the URL bar provides a magical portal to the interwebz where anything that can be thought of can be entered—revealing the treasures of the internet at the stroke of ‘enter’. For the rest of us, we know it gets much more complicated than that as we slip down the rabbit hole and into OSI, DNS, TLS, HTTPS, subdomains…