Crowdsourced Security for Web Threat Intelligence

If we have a thousand monkeys typing away on a thousand typewriters, surely they can produce great works of literature – or so goes the popular adaptation of the Infinite Monkey Theorem. But in the context of information security, a similar idea has been taking shape in past few years. Crowdsourced security, leveraging on input from a host of geographically dispersed systems, is slowly gaining ground as a means to provide actionable threat intelligence for both the public and private sectors.

Thoughts on Secure Programming, Education and BYOD

Recent events serve as the best example of how the context of security has shifted from the once server-centric model to that of a decentralized threat landscape. From the Heartbleed attacks to the widespread Internet Explorer vulnerabilities and finally the sensationalized OAuth issues, it appears that even organizations with a hardened perimeter infrastructure are just as vulnerable as an end-user at home.

Why the Magic Behind Kerio Web Filter Makes Your Network Much More Secure

An Interview with Jeff Finn, CEO of zvelo

You have the firewall that blocks incoming viruses, worms and spyware. However, if you are not utilizing web filtering, your IT security solution is not complete. Jeff Finn, CEO of zvelo, recently interviewed with Kerio, a zvelo OEM Partner, about zvelo’s web categorization services used in the Kerio Web Filter.