zvelo’s Phishing Detection systems leverage human-supervised machine learning and crowd-sourced continuous ActiveWeb monitoring in order to identify and track millions of active phishing URLs. Stay up to date and protect your networks and users with the latest targeted and “Zero-Minute” phishing URLs and campaigns.
zvelo’s meticulously curated datasets for Malicious URLs, Phishing URLs, and Web Content Categorizations, support new tiered service offering and drive revenue growth for a global Remote Browser Isolation provider.
DetailsWe’ve put together this glossary of cyber threat definitions as a resource for you in your quest to help make the internet a safer place for all!
zvelo’s Cybersecurity Team shares how you can use Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) to successfully deliver actionable intelligence to support executive decision making which protects your Operating Environment (EO).
From a threat intelligence perspective, this post presents the Tactic, Technique and Procedure (TTP), which can be best described as Living Off The Land at Scale (LOTLS).
Phishing threats are not homogeneous in nature. Malicious actors use several different phishing attack topologies to execute their campaigns – each of which require a different approach to detect and mitigate the threat.
zvelo’s Cybersecurity experts share recommendations for a core set of cybersecurity tools which can be deployed for robust and balanced security throughout the different layers in the Circle of Trust.
This post demonstrates the lifecycle of a website and how it moves through zvelo’s InActiveWeb, ProActiveWeb and ActiveWeb.
zvelo is expanding threat detection capabilities to explore suspicious activity outside the ActiveWeb to include what we call the ProActiveWeb.
Compliance risk assessment platform for video communication and collaboration tools secured against objectionable content with zveloCAT full-path categorization.
DetailsSoaring profits and easy targets are driving cyber criminals to capitalize on the business of Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS).