Commonly referred to as DDoS, a distributed denial-of-service attack is the malicious attempt to interrupt network traffic to a target destination, network, or server by overwhelming it with a massive amount of fraudulent traffic from hundreds of thousands (or more) of source locations. Bad actors typically enlist the help of giant botnets of malware-infected routers, IoT devices, and other computers to drive “legitimate” traffic at the target—and thus making it difficult to distinguish the attack from normal traffic.


Router Vulnerabilities, Firmware Updates, and Trends in 2018

In a recent article published by IT Briefcase—zvelo Security Analyst, Louis Creager, outlined and describes one of the most prominent trends threatening router networks around the world. Ubiquitous as they are in our households, relatively few consumers are conscious of the firmware running on their home router

IoT Security & Networks Need Router Manufacturers Commitment

IoT Security Needs Commitment from Router Manufacturer’s to Maintain Device Firmware

One of the largest security gaps in 2018—one that leaves devices open to malware, botnets, and use in DDoS attacks—is the lack of commitment from router and gateway manufacturers. But what is the incentive for OEMs to build the infrastructure and systems to maintain and update device firmware even after just a few years?

How a Twitter Hack Crippled the Stock Market

The Dow Jones Industrial Average recently dropped by about 145 points and the S&P 500 index lost $136.5 billion dollars in value after a tweet from the Associated Press claimed that an explosion had taken place in the White House and that President Obama was injured. The tweet turned out to be false and stemmed from a hacked Associated Press Twitter account. The precedent has been set for us to take a long, hard and uncomfortable look at the challenges we face when relying on automated trading systems that gauge and react to public sentiment and that end with drastic results.