Bumblebee Malware Distributed via WeTransfer or Smash
Threat Advisory: Attackers are using file-sharing services like Smash or WeTransfer to deliver Bumblebee malware disguised as RFPs.
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is actionable Intelligence data pertaining to an organization’s information systems, networks, or digital assets that is intended to inform Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence teams about potential risks and existing or emerging threats. As cybercriminals continue to grow more sophisticated in their attack tactics, gathering and leveraging cyber threat intelligence is a critical element to protecting your infrastructure and assets against cyber attacks and building a proactive, rather than reactive, cyber defense strategy.
Threat Advisory: Attackers are using file-sharing services like Smash or WeTransfer to deliver Bumblebee malware disguised as RFPs.
A curated threat intelligence approach, in which aging data is managed based on current attack status, is crucial to preventing cybercrime.
Threat Alert: Active PayPal payment request scam uses social engineering to exploit users and evade detection without the use of a link.
The latest string of attacks using Qakbot malware are breaching networks and successfully deploying ransomware in less than half a day.
zvelo’s threat intelligence delivers significant cost savings and powerful improvements to the Client’s threat detection capabilities.
DetailsAttackers are turning up the heat with advanced TTPs like Adversary-in-the-Middle (AiTM) phishing attacks to steal session cookies and bypass MFA security.
OSINT vs Commercial Threat Intelligence – A high level overview weighing the pros and cons for each type of threat feed.
Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) is the piece of the SASE framework that is focused on securing the end user’s web browsing experience.
As we explore the critical role of data in powering the SASE solutions suite, this post focuses on the Firewall-as-a-Service for Next-Gen Firewall functionality in the cloud.
DNS Filtering and SWGs can offer core security functionality but the SASE framework requires CASBs to extend threat protection to cloud apps.