The threat landscape continues to evolve—individual and state-backed hackers and agencies become increasingly emboldened to compromise websites and servers, steal CPU cycles for cryptocurrency mining, embark on social engineering efforts to find backdoors, and sway public opinion through fake news and other measures. zvelo provides the most advanced URL/IP categorization database for web filtering, whitelists and blacklists, and residential and business protections against bad actors and malicious online behavior. Explore zvelo’s Cybersecurity and threat intelligence data feeds for industry leading malicious and phishing exploit detection and the most advanced cyber threat intelligence available to OEMs and device manufacturers.
zvelo has received many requests from its technology partners who are in the web filtering and parental control sectors to institute and support a new category that can be used to identify websites that promote self-harm behaviors. As a result of such demand, a new “Self Harm” category has been added to the zveloDB® URL database.
zveloLABS discovered a phishing website masquerading as an account verification page for Apple IDs, as depicted in the following screenshot and explained in this blog post.
Anatomy of a Dynamic Website Of the hundreds of billions of URL queries zvelo has received for website categorization in 2013, an estimated 27% have been classified as being dynamic (see image 1). Dynamic categories in this data sample included Social Networking, News, Search Engines, Personal Pages & Blogs, Community Forums, Technology (General), and Chat.…
zveloLABS once again attended the 2013 Hack In The Box (HITB) conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, held in mid-October. Of all the wide variety of talks conducted during the conference, I found two correlated with the vulnerabilities of RFID systems to be the most intriguing. I’ve summarized them below.
Once again, zveloLABS participated in the 2013 ROOTCON annual hacker conference and security gathering in Cebu City, Philippines. It aims to share best practices and technologies through talks by qualified speakers and demos of exciting hacks, tools, tips, and more.
I attended one of the Black Hat training sessions titled “Advanced C++ Source Code Analysis.” It was quite fascinating! Looking through source code for bugs seems to be a different mindset from writing software.
The annual DEF CON® hacker conference came and went as swiftly as a light rain against the hot Las Vegas strip. Consumer tech was a big focus and speakers demonstrated how various network-connected gadgets, once hacked, could be controlled to affect the real, physical world. Here are some highlights from two particular lectures about the hacking of network-connected and radio-frequency identification (RFID) enabled devices that got much attention.
The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) released their quarterly Phishing Attack Trends Report for the first quarter of 2013. Payment Services were reported as the most phished industry sector, followed by Financial Services.
With the growing number of alleged cyber-attacks that are taking place between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, the talks in early June of 2013 between President Barrack Obama and President Xi Jinping were viewed as a much needed response to the crisis. Unfortunately, such steps may end in either half-hearted agreements or may collapse entirely under their own weight. Depressing as this outlook may be, such pessimism is rooted in the fact that cyber space, as a medium on which to expand national policy, is too good to pass up on for either party. Central to this idea is the fact that both countries have invested heavily in cyber space not only as a means of communication, but for economic growth as well.
I got my hands on a copy of a Northwestern University research paper titled “Evaluating Android Anti-malware against Transformation Attacks.” After digging into it, my zveloLABS colleagues and I decided to conduct an experiment of our own based on the information provided in the research paper.