The threat landscape continues to evolve—individual and state-backed hackers and agencies become increasingly emboldened to compromise websites and servers, steal CPU cycles for cryptocurrency mining, embark on social engineering efforts to find backdoors, and sway public opinion through fake news and other measures. zvelo provides the most advanced URL/IP categorization database for web filtering, whitelists and blacklists, and residential and business protections against bad actors and malicious online behavior. Explore zvelo’s Cybersecurity and threat intelligence data feeds for industry leading malicious and phishing exploit detection and the most advanced cyber threat intelligence available to OEMs and device manufacturers.
During this 40 minute presentation, Brad Rhodes, Head of Cybersecurity at zvelo, discusses the Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Process, explaining what it is, who uses it, how it’s used, use case scenarios and why it’s important to organizations both large and small.
For the average web surfer, the URL bar provides a magical portal to the interwebz where anything that can be thought of can be entered—revealing the treasures of the internet at the stroke of ‘enter’. For the rest of us, we know it gets much more complicated than that as we slip down the rabbit hole and into OSI, DNS, TLS, HTTPS, subdomains…
Reduce your cyber threat risk by leveraging a Brand Vulnerability Assessment to identify the vulnerabilities and weaknesses which leave your brand exposed to attacks.
This post defines the strategic, operational and tactical levels of cyber threat intelligence, who uses it and how it protects organizations and users.
zvelo’s Head of Cybersecurity, Brad Rhodes, mentors the Colorado Early College teams of aspiring cybersecurity experts through the CyberPatriot program.
Emotet: An In-Depth Document Analysis, is zvelo’s latest threat report intended to help defenders understand Emotet’s initial infection mechanisms so they may better protect their organizations.