Advanced threat and exploit detection is critical to cybersecurity and network defense. zvelo’s Malicious Detection capabilities empower MSSPs, ISPs, TELCOs, network security providers, and VARs to provide world-class protection. Gain advanced insight with the most accurate URL database for malicious exploit detection to better understand the cyber threat landscape. Categories include Command and Control, Malware, Spyware, Spam URLs, Cryptocurrency Mining, Phishing and Fraud, and more.  Read more about malicious detection.

Categorizing 99.9% of the ActiveWeb

Categorizing 99.9% of the ActiveWeb with a Hybrid AI/ML Approach

Learn about zvelo’s unique hybrid approach to web content categorization and malicious detection. With over 20 years of experience and partnerships with some of the world’s leading anti-virus, MSSPs, and communications companies—zvelo’s next-generation approach achieves industry-leading coverage and accuracy for end users worldwide.

Homograph Attack | Internationalized Domain Name Attack

What is an IDN Homograph Attack and How Do You Protect Yourself?

An internationalized domain name (IDN) homograph attack is a method of deceiving computer users about the remote computer they’re communicating with. It exploits the fact that many characters are homographs, meaning they look alike. Homographs allow a malicious party to create an IDN that appears very similar to an established domain, which can then be used to lure users to the new website.