DNS filtering provides network configuration controls for parental controls or online safety to protect against phishing attacks, malware, ransomware, botnets, etc.

Base Domain URL vs. Full Path URL. What's the Difference?

Base Domain URL vs Full Path URL. What’s the Difference?

For the average web surfer, the URL bar provides a magical portal to the interwebz where anything that can be thought of can be entered—revealing the treasures of the internet at the stroke of ‘enter’. For the rest of us, we know it gets much more complicated than that as we slip down the rabbit hole and into OSI, DNS, TLS, HTTPS, subdomains…

How to evaluate a web filtering technology or URL database

Evaluating a URL Database and Classification Technologies for DNS and Web Filtering

This blog explores considerations and criteria for evaluating a URL database or classification technology partner that shares your commitment to success. We’ve outlined the important considerations and criteria for performing an evaluation of web filtering technologies. Protection, coverage, and accuracy are most important—but we’ll also show you how to prepare test URLs so that you can confidently compare multiple solutions and save time.